Friday, February 22, 2008

Demoralized by Facebook

I got an e-mail in my inbox tonight from an application on Facebook, iRead. Basically you can enter all the books you have read, are reading, want to read, or would never read and rate and review them. I love to read and I find the application very fun and it has some cool features. For example, if their is a book you want to read, it will tell if any of your friends own that book so that you can borrow it from them. It's an amusing diversion.

So anyway, I get this e-mail from the application. The subject line is "Are you still reading Vanity Fair?" Yes. Yes in fact I am. Dude, it's like 1,000 pages or something. Don't be so darn accusatory, iRead! I'm getting there. I work 40 hours a week! I have a life! Don't question my commitment here, people. Sheesh.

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