Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Big Give: A Show I'd Love to Hate

I decided on a whim to record Oprah's new show, The Big Give. I watched the first episode and am just now watching the second. In some ways, I love this show. In other ways, I hate it. If I could compare it to something, it would be Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The stories are heart-warming and I cried for full fifteen minutes during the first episode. The show, however, encourages hoopla and showiness about the giving. In fact, the motto of the show is "give big or go home" and contestants on these two episodes have been rated on the "presentation" of their gift.

Some things I like about the show:
1) The show highlights the pure joy in giving. The contestants range in age and background and all of them have no idea there is any reward in it. These people are putting their lives on hold and run around the country, stress out, and give away money. The contestants are so honest about their feelings and their emotions.

2) You can really see how each of the contestants backgrounds and and experiences influence the way they give. Each one has a unique heart for different issues and the second episode does a really good job of highlighting them. It also shows just how easy it is to find a worthy cause to help and support.

3) It shows the diversity of need in our country from the single mom next door to orphaned children. You never know the situations people are living with. So many of these people could be any of our neighbors.

Some things I don't like about the show:
1) It offends my sensibilities to make a reality show/game out of helping others. It's a little showy for me and feels a bit like capitalizing on other's misfortunes. It feels a bit like gawking into people's very private lives and it makes me wonder if they would be willing to share these things on national television if they weren't getting the help they needed out of it. Do I loose my house or admit my vast personal problems to the country?

2) Real people could never give in the way the contestants do. They're given money, cars, laptops, and I'm pretty sure corporate connections. Not to mention the backing of "I'm on Oprah's new TV show, The Big Give." Whose going to say no to that and being featured on national television?

3) While the show does show some worthy charities and organizations, I'd much rather see a show about real people making difference in their communities. Oprah could easily have dumped all this money and corporate sponsorship into already existing organizations and highlighted how great it feels when real people give in ways great and small. Instead of contestants swooping in and dumping in thousands of dollars into who knows what charities and people, we could be supporting great community based grass-roots efforts that are sure to be transformed by a comparatively small investment.

While it has its share of negatives, I think one woman's reaction said it all, "Somebody actually thought that I mattered enough to help me out." That, my friends, is priceless.

If you're interested in watching, the third episode airs on ABC on Sunday at 9pm.

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