Saturday, November 04, 2006

Placing My Bets on the 6 Months Part

In high school, I went on a kick of reading Christian dating books. I read I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Passion and Purity, Letting God Write Your Love Story and a few other more obscure ones. In college I read the rules. None of them worked very well for me. So when I was at Border's recently and found How to Get a Date Worth Keeping: Be Dating in 6 Months are Your Money Back I was like whoa! This is the book for me my friends. And yes, it is from a Christian perspective. And no, it is nothing like I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Joshua Harris would die if he ever read this book. So I'm giving it a try. It certainly can't make things worse.

My first "assignment" is to assess my dating problem. So for a month I have to keep track of all the guys I meet who are 1) new to me 2) have enough of an interaction with me to want to ask me for a date and 3) have a way to contact me to ask me for a date. So I started counting on last Thursday. Last weeks total was 3. I'm not allowed to analyze it. It is what it is. 3. I think this weeks total will be 1, but we'll see. We're only two days in. So that's where I am. Wish me luck and go get yourself a copy! It seems promising!


Unknown said...

Good luck! My assignment would probably be a big fat 0 unless you count the crazy actors who come into our offices...

Ben Wyman said...

Yeah, I don't think my number would be that high, either.

That's a cool idea, though.

Anonymous said...

3!!! Caitlin! You sure do get around...