Thursday, May 24, 2007


Two posts in one night! Whoah. Too much to handle. Anyway, I was catching up on some old blog reading today and I ran across a little gem in Ben's blog that was too wonderful not to post on. Evidentally, Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies decided to set up a camera and film himself singing in the bathroom. I just watched one on youtube and it just reminded on how awesome Bare Naked Ladies are and how fun their music is and how much I need to find that CD and put it in iTunes if it isn't already. I remember when One Week first came out and everyone tried to memorize all the words and sing along. Well, now you can relive that moment on youtube. It made my heart happy.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Finally - a song injected into my brain that I don't mind humming for the rest ot the day.
