Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Recent Conversation on the Price of Gas

Random Friend: my parents and i were just fighting again about gas prices
Me: lol
Random Friend: my mom's like "i just heard they are making $200,000 a minute - this needs to be stopped"
Random Friend: and i was like "yep, you know how you stop it? stop buying it"
Random Friend: she didn't seem to think it was so simple
Me: It's not the governments job to regulate prices
Me: That would make us socialist
Random Friend: exactly, and that's what my dad just said "the government stepped up and regulated utilities in the 80s - they need to do the same now for gas"
Random Friend: and i was like "we shouldn't just sit around and wait for someone else to do something about it"
Random Friend: i'm glad someone's on my side
Me: lol
Me: But I still want to drive to Paramus
Random Friend: exactly
Random Friend: WE ARE SO GOING
Me: lol
Me: I thought so
Random Friend: but see? the gas companies deserve to make that profit because i'm willing to pay them outrageous amounts of money to drive up to see you and then drive up to paramus
Me: Exactly. I 100% agree
Me: In fact, if you really believe in capitalism (which I don't necessarily), kudos to them for charging so much and making so much
Random Friend: exactly!
Random Friend: that was my point
Me: And and! The rest of the world pays this much all the time
Me: The oil companies are just "living the american dream"
Random Friend: i know! lol
Random Friend: which is why america sucks
Me: Preach it sister
Random Friend: don't blame the oil companies
Random Friend: blame america
Me: You should have Jon Stewart's babies
Random Friend: i know!!! god i want to!

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