Sunday, March 11, 2007

Things That Make You Go "Hmm"

I found this in a friend of a friend of a friend's blog and thought it was interesting, so I followed a few links and eventually got to this story. It's about a professor and his research discovering that Americans are overwhelming ignorant when it comes to religions. I liked what he had to say, even if the article wasn't especially informative or well written. I very much agree with his opinion that educated people (i.e. college graduates) should have some kind of basic understanding of world religion. I don't understand how or why we separate out such an important aspect of history of culture. Everyone has to study history and math and science. Why not religion to? Being more educated and informed about an issue that fuels world events certainly isn't going to hurt anybody. Try the quiz to test your own knowledge and see what you could do some reading on. Click here to start!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, I read that too and thought it was interesting. I used to love reading about world religions when I was in middle school; our library had a series for teens w/ a book about Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc. I wish we did do a world religions class at Asbury, that would have been fun, if not for the interesting arguments against taking the class that would be raised in the student paper(I can hear some of them now...).