Friday, September 29, 2006

Some fellow globe-trotters

After utterly screwing up the making of guacamole today (I'm still not entirely sure where I went wrong) I abandoned Mexican cuisine all together and dined on Indian for my supper. While at the grocery store, I picked up some naan bread. Once I began eating it, I thought, Ah! this is like the chapati I had in Tanzania! It was then that I realized I must have more. And more. And the most cost effective way to have more is to make more yourself. So I look up "chipate recipe" on google. But it's really spelled chipati. So I get no results. But I find this awesome website. About this really cool sounding film. That has been shot all over the world. So I start reading the blog and these people seem cool and they have fun adventures. And all of a sudden, I wanna be back in Africa so badly! Or globe-trotting. Or just be out of the US for awhile. But I'll just have to live vicariously through chapati. You should check out their website, Unveiled Studios, especially all you film productiony inclined people. And if anyone talks to them, tell them how you found them. And tell them I'm single.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrew is a hottie