Monday, September 03, 2007

Without Prejudice?

I just finished watching what could be my new favorite TV show. It's called Without Prejudice? and it airs on the Game Show Network. Each show there is a 5 member panel and 5 contestants. The five member panel has to decide which of the contestants to award $25,000 to. The first vote-out is based on appearances only and then more information is gradually revealed until two are left at which point the panelists get to interview the contestants.

In the show that I watched there was an older white matchmaker, a middle-aged white guy in a wheel chair, a middle-aged white guy who was a gay pastor, a middle-aged white woman who was a Mormon polygamist, and a black college student. It was so interesting to see how the panelists felt about the contestants initially and how their opinions changed as more information was revealed. The panel is very opinionated and the questions asked of the contestants are of a potentially inflammatory nature. Are you religious? How much money do you make? What do you think about gay marriage, prostitution, and the legalization of marijuana? It was amazing to see what actually mattered to the panelists at the beginning that suddenly didn't matter anymore.

I can't really describe to you just how fascinating it was, but you really should watch it. It's a psychology student's dream. You can watch past episodes online or catch the new episodes on GSN on Tuesdays at 9pm. I recommend watching it with a friend. It might spark some lively discussions of your own.

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